Want the Max $5,108 Monthly Social Security Benefit in 2025? Here’s the Salary You Need.
The average retired worker collects around $1,925 per month in Social Security benefits, according to the most recent data from the Social Security Administration. But it’s possible to earn far more, with the maximum benefit capped at a whopping $5,108 per month in 2025.
Earning the maximum payment isn’t easy, and there are a few important requirements you’ll need to meet to qualify. Your annual salary will directly affect your benefit amount, and this is the exact amount you’ll need to earn in 2025 to have a shot at the maximum payment.
Your benefit amount is calculated by taking an average of your earnings throughout the 35 years of your career that you earned the most. That number is then run through a complex formula and adjusted for inflation, and the result is the amount you’ll collect at your full retirement age.