In recent years, technology has evolved greatly. Knowing, however, that digital transformation is not only a technological change but an organizational change at the crossroads of technologies, companies, and people, such a reflection must take into account countless possibilities.



With what we have seen in 2018, it is interesting to look already at the trends and potential surprises of the digital transformation that will be in 2019.

Let’s hope these big trends can serve as a compass for organizations wishing to advance their business and digital transformations.

While some of the key trends in digital transformation in 2019 build on this year’s trends, there are certainly some additions to the approach of the turn of 2019.

It must be known that technology itself does not fit the digital transformation now. Customer, culture and employees, as well as business continuity must be at the heart of any technology investment. Without further ado, here’s what the Forbes site thinks of what we can expect for the coming year.

Here are the top-10 digital transformation trends for 2019:

1-The Mobile 5G

5G has been a topic of discussion for some time now. This is a first digital transformation that we see as 5G will take the place of 3G that is currently everywhere. If you are a frequent traveler or you are on some networks like Sprint, you know that it is always possible to return to 3G areas from time to time without realizing it.

So, what’s the big deal with 5G now? In short, we are finally in a place where we will start to see 5G everywhere. If you followed the technical community, you will have seen a lot of fixed deployments and tests with companies such as Qualcomm, Intel, Nokia, Ericson, Samsung and Huawei.

We are also seeing new companies such as Mimosa Networks deploying 5G in both rural and urban areas, paving the way for bullish 5G mobile providers such as ATT and Verizon to start offering new, cooler, faster and more innovative services for mobile users.

It’s an exciting time for 5G and mobile phones. While 2018 was the year that the 5G corrected applications found their legs, in 2019 we will see the 5G fight its way into the top corner of our mobile devices, although for iPhone users, it will rather be from 2020.

2- The Chat Bots

I know we’ve all had frustrating experiences with chatbots extremely in 2018, but the good news is that tremendous progress continues to be made in natural language processing and sentiment analysis.

So, in fact, that some people believe in Natural Language Processing (NLP), which is going to upset the entire service sector in a way we have never imagined.

Think of all the services that could be provided without human resources: fast food lines, loan processing agents, job recruiters and more. In addition, this natural language processing allows businesses to gather information and improve their services.

Some 40% of large companies have adopted it or will adopt it by the end of 2019, making it one of the leading trends in digital transformation in 2019.

Now, for sure, many are concerned about the potential impact of artificial intelligence and chat bots on the workforce, but it is likely that companies will build their skills instead of moving them.

Machines can be effective at meeting basic demands, but they leave much to be desired when it comes to empathy and human emotion to deliver an exceptional customer experience.

3- Connected Clouds (Public, Private and Hybrid)

Honestly, we can simply classify this as “the constant evolution and the increasingly difficult adoption of the cloud (the French cloud)”. What is really happening is that companies are realizing that not all public, private or hybrid clouds are the best option.

Sometimes they need a mix of all. As a result, connected clouds continue to grow to meet changing business needs, such as data storage, networking, security, or cloud-based application deployment (as Apple does).

Leading public cloud providers like Amazon and Alibaba are responding to the call by offering private cloud options (or, in the case of Google, container-based). We also meet Microsoft via Azure, HPE with the acquisition of Cloud Technology Partners in 2017 and their consumable computing services, and VMware with the recent acquisition of CloudHealth Technologies.

The term multi cloud will be the new buzzword for cloud conversation. This movement means that no matter what the workload is, in which cloud, the experience must be transparent, secure and streamlined. For most organizations, this means a combination of workloads running in public, private, and hybrid environments. This will be an important aspect in the year 2019 on digital transformation

4- Blockchains

As we continue to explore this technological miracle maker, we realize that the blockchain is a kind of mess. It’s too complicated right now and there’s no standard way to use it because we all want to use it differently.

The only way to get massive blockchain adoption is to create a plug-and-play version that we can all use and understand. I am attentive to the fact that large technology companies like IBM continue to engage massively in the potential of blockchains for applications other than cryptocurrency (as for Bitcoin).

The financial sector is also addressing this issue, as well as a multitude of applications in the transportation of goods and services. However, at this point it seems more of a marketing ploy than a digital transformation.

It seems like a lot of savvy developers will continue to work to realize the potential of the blockchains in 2019, but I have the impression that it will take another two or three years before we can see the promised result.

5-The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

At the center of all these technological trends and at the center of this list is the hub of digital transformation. Data is essential for companies to make good decisions about their products, services, employees, etc.

We will not see a slowdown anytime soon. With recent data displaying that we created 90% of the global data last year, research also indicates that we only use 1% of the data efficiently. Although the top 1% is often a good thing, it’s a 1% that most of us who preach the power of analysis should be ashamed of.

With several companies such as Microsoft, SAP, SAS and Salesforce (to name a few) showing market leadership in promoting data transformation into meaningful business analytics, data-driven companies have a lot to to make the most of the data available and the data they collect.

With improved processing power that can only increase, we will see leaders in digital investing in the creation of their data. This will be done among others with artificial intelligence. This 1% could increase to 3 or 4% by year 2020. It may seem minimal, but it represents a massive increase in the use of data.

6-The impact of the RGPD (or GDPR in English)

By August 2018, about one-third of companies still did not comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which aims to provide huge layers of data protection users.

In fact, at present, about 1,000 US news sites are still not available in Europe, usually because they do not pay enough attention to data security to make GDPR a priority.

This means that informed customers will begin to see which companies really want to protect their data and which ones really do not. It must be remembered that the GDPR marks the beginning of a more global trend that will make companies more accountable for how they treat privacy and personal data.

Although brands do not necessarily want to comply, this move will serve as a warning to companies to find better ways to build real relationships with their audience, as opposed to the often-abusive use of personal data in the workplace. name of marketing and advertising.

7- Yes to Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR), the little sister of virtual reality (RE), continues to be at the center of digital transformation trends in 2019. AR has found many use cases in the formation of in business, which means it’s not only cool, but useful.

8-Internet of Things (IoT)

Last year, one of the big trends was essentially related to IoT (the internet of things, which means all interdependent computing devices with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data to a network without human interaction).

As IoT grows (and the number of connected devices soars), it makes sense that we need more space to process the data. Smart city and autonomous vehicle concepts are unlikely to materialize if data processing is to be done in the cloud, which we discussed above.

9-Computer Services Based on Consumption to Win

This year, a small study was done of IT managers on their IT budgets and cloud consumption trends. They generally want to be more efficient, have more flexibility in their workload, and the ability to scale quickly to meet the needs of the business.

With the growing development of the service sector as a service, companies are increasingly choosing “à la carte” IT services adapted to their current needs. It is logical that companies are moving in this direction and will be more and more so in 2019.

10-The CEOs Take the Reins

Honestly, it’s a matter of time and for many, it’s a prediction that worries them. Countless studies have shown that employees want to see the digital transformation start at the top of the hierarchy.

So, even though we have seen a lot of leaders take the reins of digital transformation, the CEO will finally step in in 2019, because achieving digital transformation goes nowhere.

They will make digital transformation a priority, recognizing the criticality of creating cultures that can change, and the value of staff re qualification and hiring to learn to trust the data more than ever before. This is good news for all companies in 2019.

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