First, what should a person look for in a business? There are mountains of information on this particular subject, so, first of all, you should do some research. That’s what brought you here and I’m lucky you found it in the first place! The following list is a shorter way than I recommend best possible solutions for different situations. JEWELRY BUSINESS

1) Product (s): Is it designed for longevity? Needs to be replaced? Often? Do you want a product that promotes health? Style? Fashion? Do you want high ticket items (benefit)? Or high volume? Do you need to love the product? Can the products be bought and sold internationally? Is it possible for the product to appreciate in value? JEWELRY BUSINESS

2) Personal: Do your products inspire people to feel good? Looking good? Does it cause growing emotions?

3) Appeal: How will you market your product to meet the needs of your customers?

4) Singularity: Do you want a product that is the best in its class? The best of the line? Exclusiveness?

5) Wishes versus needs: think about this: products you want, business you need. Will your product be something that requires convincing and proof or will it be mere presence?

6) Security of your investment: If sales are slow, will new products be sent to you? Will your product still be worth its expected value in 2 or 3 months? Can you lose your money?

7) Paste ability: Will your product continue to be desired or needed within years? JEWELRY BUSINESS

Now the above covers what should be considered in terms of products from a commercial point of view. Here are some more things that should influence your important decision, especially when you have chosen the product that suits you.

1) Training: Is training provided with your products and your business? Do you need to buy additional CDs or DVDs to be aware of the new information? Is there training for beginners and for more experienced? Is the training material duplicatable?

2) Website: Are the products, business, back-office and training websites available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are they modern? Is there a regular payment to maintain your own website? Are marketing tools included?

3) Support: Are there incentives to properly enable and engage new team members? Is the support material available to everyone at any time, 24/7? Are incentives available to all members, new or old? Are bonuses available? JEWELRY BUSINESS

4) Compensation plan: How many levels does the plan have? How many teams or legs do you need to build? Do you understand all the qualifications for each level? Are they realistically attainable for everyone? Does the plan have no levels, that is, they all use the same numbers and volumes to get commissions?

5) Residual income: What is your definition, a sum of money that comes automatically after a few months? 1 year? 2 years? Plus? Will the product you choose support the residual income for life? Or will it be necessary to change companies to achieve it again? How many team members are required to achieve a steady income? JEWELRY BUSINESS

It is increasingly popular, not only in the network industry, that desire is the most critical element for success. With books like Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Success Principles by Jack Canfield, one can train to fully understand what you want and want. Without this element, your success will be marked and fleeting. If you have a “Why” strong enough, nothing will stop you from achieving it. JEWELRY BUSINESS It could be as simple as getting enough income to pay the mortgage and paying a car leaving your professional income for you and your family. It can be as large as owning real estate in the fastest growing sectors of expanding economies. It can even be for sharing 90% of your income and living 10%. The point is that you need to discover what your most intimate desires are. However, you need to think seriously, and with some self-learning and master mentality, you will seal those desires throughout your being. It is really a day of liberation when you think you can achieve and receive.

The second, and no less important vehicle for success, especially in a network marketing business is to stay on a strict schedule. No matter how much time you spend on your business each week, as long as you keep a schedule every week. The best way to think about this type of discipline is to ask yourself: JEWELRY BUSINESS “Would you hire me to do this job?” A recommended way to do this is to create a monthly calendar and schedule certain hours each week, including webinars and training presentations. If you do this faithfully and let only emergencies stop you, for 3 months, this practice will be as automatic for you as getting out of bed. Consistency is key to your success.

A third factor to leverage your investment is to understand that success is not a nighttime event. You need the right dedication and time, emphasizing the word time, to manifest your desires. Too often, as noted in the books mentioned above, many people have stopped before achieving their invention, discovery or breakthrough in business. This has been proven time and again with many examples cited. Maybe you can think of something you quit, just to see someone else lift the bat and hit a grand slam. Be aware of your dream and why. JEWELRY BUSINESS

To summarize briefly, do some homework and inquire about the company or companies you have in mind. Look not only how much money you can earn, but the longevity of the product’s desirability. JEWELRY BUSINESS Make sure you can set achievable goals: first get $ 300 per month, then $ 500, then $ 1000 and so on. Understand your “Why” truthfully and thoroughly, use books or a group of experts. Understand the compensation plan before registering. Consider how many people you will need to create a team worthy of your income desire.

Last tips: always and always have fun and create fun in all your efforts, new and old.