aio for being upset that my boyfriend didn’t get me anything for christmas?

for context, we’ve been together for almost a year and we decided to do our family holidays separately so we wouldn’t have to go to 3 christmases in one day and it works for us. we had plans tonight for me to pick him up and get drinks with a mutual friend. at dinner, i texted asking if he’d gotten me anything. i already bought his gifts a while ago and gave one to him on christmas eve and was going to give him his nice one tonight before drinks. as you can tell, i’m pretty disappointed and he just made me feel like i’m crazy for being upset. i just feel like this is icky and manipulative i guess. i feel like this is break up worthy. what do y’all think? submitted by /u/mcunhappymeals to r/AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

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