Are you a blogger who is looking for why your monetized blog is not making money? You probably have read an article or two or even 100’s to find my little article on this interesting subject. EARN MONEY ONLINE

When scrolling through pages and pages, you must have seen the huge posters about online surveys to earn money from home. You may have seen screenshots that show how much that person made the previous month. EARN MONEY ONLINE

Or have you found more articles on how to make money writing articles?

These ways are excellent revenue generators, but not “quick” ways to make money, as too many websites make it seem.

How Blog writing helps you earning money?

We need to talk about the first one because everyone wants to make money while they sleep with their blog. This of course is possible! I will not deny you that fact. However, you should start from the beginning reading and learning different techniques that people use and why. You will have to spend many hours reading the information that is available because there is a lot. Then, prepare to edit your little blog to enter the newly found keywords. Then more edition. Your posts will have to become articles to send to several article databases to create a large number of backlinks that you need to gather traffic. All this requires a lot of time, education and effort. Then, having to do everything several times with many blogs or websites so that your goal is the amount. EARN MONEY ONLINE

Earning potential in online survey

Online survey ads are everywhere and recommendations are important even from gurus. You can create money by answering silly questions. 50 cents at a time. The risk is that you take the 10 minutes to do a survey, so in the end you will be asked for your cell phone number. Filtering through surveys that don’t want to send spam to your phone is frustrating. Think about it for a second, a survey takes about 10 minutes to complete for 50 cents. $ 3.00 and the time is embarrassing. The good thing is that you can earn a few dollars by answering questions without thinking wondering if you would be the person who dances at the table or at the flower on the wall. EARN MONEY ONLINE

Writing reviews

Writing reviews and articles is also a good source of income from home. If you are a good writer with many opinions, writing would work better for you. There are hundreds of places where you can publish your article to generate backlinks. You can even choose some who are interested in what you are saying. Some places allow you to monetize your article. However, writing takes a long time and the money you can potentially earn is not so much per hour at the beginning. It does not mean that writing articles is not a way to generate decent income, just know that your online reputation as an ‘authority’ takes time to develop. Checks that flow through your mail slot will not happen immediately. EARN MONEY ONLINE

How to manage time for online job

The three ways I have mentioned require a lot of time. The time you need to earn money online is what you should consider. Earning money from home through online surveys, writing blogs and writing articles could take months before you can proudly show your checks to your spouse or answer the phone when the creditor calls.

If you want to make money from home through your blog, you must realize that your new company can take as much time to your life as working outside your home. In fact, if you want to make money faster than most, don’t listen to those who say you can do it part-time.

I would recommend considering working from home over the Internet as your new job. With any job, you should consider some aspects of how it will affect your life and that of those around you.

I hope I caught you before you started. Before you begin, ask yourself these questions:

1. What do you do during the day?

If you do a lot of volunteering or if you already have a job, you may want to consider your work on the Internet as part-time. EARN MONEY ONLINE

2. Are you able to give up something to do the job you want to do?

You may need to consider what is important in your life. You may not have enough free time to spend working on your computer.

3. Are there other members in your home willing to support your projects?

Your family may think you are crazy and for the most part they are right. Making money online is highly competitive, however, the only drawback is that your search can end up being a great waste of time. Are family members willing to give up something so you can work (usually time with you or cutting your computer time)? Talk honestly with your family members about their ideas, their plans, goals and thoughts. EARN MONEY ONLINE


4. Can you discipline yourself to do the work you need to do?

Imagine not having a boss. Imagine not being responsible to anyone but yourself. Sounds great, handsome! Most people loosen or do not do as much as they expected during the first time.

5. Did you set a goal?

It is always an excellent idea for any new company! A goal is a great incentive to do the work you need to do, it may even be better than a boss.

6. How much time can you realistically spend to achieve your goals?

Try to calculate a time frame to reach your goal and, if you don’t achieve it, that’s fine. If nothing risks, nothing is gained, right? You are putting the amount of work you need and you are just learning like me.

If you can spend time trying to earn money from home and get your family’s support, cheer up! EARN MONEY ONLINE

You have nothing to lose and some pennies in your pocket to earn.